Recruitment Academy

од 24HR

RecruitmentAcademySourcer&Recruiterare the most comprehensive international training programs for recruitment specialists.

RACS+Rcertification(Certified Sourcer + Recruiter) is backed by the Recruitment Academy advisory board with the Chairman JanMühlfeit, the former president of Microsoft Europe, and by company credibility partners such as Nestlé, L’Oréal, Deloitte, Faurecia and others.

Live sessions in November 2024

  • RACS(CertifiedSourcer)- 18-22Nov 2024
  • RACR(CertifiedRecruiter)- 25-27Nov 2024

The lecturers of this certification training include global practitioners in their respective domains like Social Media Talent Sourcing, Diversity Recruiting, Employer Branding, Tech Recruitment, Interviewing and others.

Speakers come from companies such as Red Bull, Deloitte Legal and GoodCall.


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