HR Intern-A1 Makedonija Skopje

од 24HR

What you do

Evidence and data input related to learning and talent initiatives

Support in HR Operations activities

Basic analytics in Excel

Research (best practices, vendors etc.)

Executive support with organizational surveys (eg. A1 Voices)

Material preparation and adaptation (eg. Power Point presentations, Rise360 training material etc.)

Organizing logistics for trainings and other HR events

Correspondence with HR vendors and trainers

Learning admin (in FutureHub/Power Apps)

What you offer

Digital literacy (overall technology and PC usage)

MS Office (focus on Excel and PowerPoint etc.)

Other MS Office/o365 tools would be considered a great additional asset (Share Point, Teams, Outlook, Power Apps, Power Automate etc.)

English speaker (Croatian and/or Serbian would be an additional asset)

Good presentation/speaking skills

Well organized and able to handle multiple tasks/topics in parallel

High energy and positive attitude

Growth mindset

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Веб страната користи колачиња за подобро корисничко искуство. Претпоставуваме дека сте во ред со ова, но како опција можете да не ги користите. Прифати Повеќе...