What you do
Work directly with an organization’s senior leadership to develop and direct an HR agenda that closely supports organizational goals
Make sure human resource policy and procedure throughout the organization fit the needs, goals, and aims of the organization and its top leadership
HR budgeting/forecasting and workforce budget control
Support hiring process and recruitment needs, align salary and contract changes, process payroll requests and support organizational changes
Analyze and modify compensation and benefits policies to establish competitive programs
Resolve understaffing issues, disputes, employee terminations, disciplinary procedures, and complex employee relations issues
Engage employees and conducted exit interviews to gain a complete sense of satisfaction and areas in need of improvement
Participate in Performance Management processes
Low performance process coordination & execution
What you offer
Strategic business partner that can offer recommendations, make decisions, and carry out goals, experienced in many HR areas
Skilled in listening to problems and ideas, and in clearly articulating solutions
Must understand all areas and departments of the business, and how HR can benefit these aspects
Excellent business understanding / strong business acumen
Data visualization aptitude using both quantitative and qualitative data
Advanced MS Office skills, especially Excel and PowerPoint

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