Is the HR manager/director independent in his work and to what extent? Does the HR manager/director really make the decisions?

од 24HR

If HR is treated as a service activity in the company that should “only” bring in new people, manage labor-legal documentation, take care of working hours, etc… Then we must first make the distinction that this is not about HR, but personnel service. Unfortunately, in many companies this is the scope of work and is managed under the name of HR.

If we take into account that today’s need for a serious human resources sector, which is in transit by renaming it to the human capital sector, clearly emphasizes that something fundamentally has to change, because finally we have to accept the fact that HR is not only a sector that spends money from the budget, but HR creates profit as well as other business units in the company. The main functions of human resources that we determine globally are:

Human resources planning;

Recruitment and selection;

Performance management;

Learning and development;

Career planning;

Performance evaluation;


Employee participation and communications;

Health and Safety;

Administrative Responsibilities

Is the HR manager/director independent in his/her work in making decisions in this scope of work with daily work tasks arising from it? Does the HR manager/director really make the decisions?

Is the budget for Human Resources determined and how much funds are allocated from it, without asking permission for “expenditure” for education, training, seminars from the aspect of employee development, specifically e.g. education for emotional intelligence, training for assertive communication?

Here, too, spears cross with the executive administration and finances. How much independence is given in determining, spending the budget without asking permission for each individual HR activity from gen.manager, finance? In practice, how much authority does HR have to decide how and in what way they will spend funds (if there is a separate budget for HR at all) without asking for permission? How much trust was really shown to him, which he should finally present with the results in his report, how the funds from the budget were spent.

In practice, unfortunately, very little. Usually, for every education, training, attendance at a conference, seminar, permission is requested as to whether the funds will be allocated from the budget in which there is usually no special budget – funds for HR or if there is, it is always redistributed according to some unwritten rule where something is “most important” at the moment .

Honor the exceptions. Such are recognized by their Employer Branding. And they are rapidly working on introducing their own HR marketing in their HR sector. And all this from their independent budget, which in the end they always turn into a serious item of participation in the company’s profit.


Liljana Kochoska-HR & Legal Advisor in HR World

Fmr HR & Legal Director in a company Karisma Hotels Adriatic Montenegro

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